Photo © Sebastian Hoppe
Rimini Protokoll
Karl Marx: Das Kapital, Erster Band

Can a stodgy economic treatise be turned into a disarming stage performance? Rimini Protokoll has taken up the challenge and is staging the first volume of Karl Marx's Das Kapital. A classic, it's true, but who has ever actually read it? Directors Helga Haug and Daniel Wetzel have called on eight people whose expertise comes from experience - not professional actors, but people whose lives have somehow been influenced by Marxist thinking. A former Maoist who traded in his membership card for a high-quality bespoke three-piece suit; a blind call-centre employee who dreams of taking part in Who wants to be a millionaire? Both tell their stories in a library cum living room, between the coffeemaker and the gramophone. What drove them? And in what way did the ideology color their lives?
Play / Documentary / Film / Conceptual Art


3.27 Fri 8pm / 3.28 Sat 6pm
Arko Arts Theater
Main Hall

Ticket Price:
[R] 50,000 KRW
[S] 40,000 KRW
[A] 30,000 KRW

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> Buy Ticket

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Forum 1:
Postdramatic Theater
3.28 Sat 3pm
Arko Arts Theater
Main Hall

Forum 2:
‘Marx in Seoul ’
3.28 Sat 8pm
Takeout Drawing Arko

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> Watch Video

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Helgard Haug, Daniel Wetzel
Christian Spremberg, Thomas Kuczynski, Talivaldis Margevics, Franziska Zwerg, Jochen Noth, Ralph Warnholz, Ulf Mailänder, Sascha Warnecke
Helgard Haug, Daniel Wetzel
in cooperation with
Daniel T. Schultze
Andrea Schwieter,
Imanuel Schipper
Light Design
Konstantin Sonneson
Frank Boehle
Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf
Schauspielhaus Zürich, schauspielfrankfurt, Hebbel am Ufer Berlin
Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf
Special Co-operation
Festival / Tokyo

Creation of the Asian version
of the Capital stage set
Technical Director
Eiji Torakawa+Karasuya
Assistant to the Technical Director
Megumi Sato
Stage Manager:
Kazuhiko Nakahara
Stage Set
Eisuke Ozu
Kayoko Kuriyama

Awarded with Mülheimer Dramatikerpreis 2007