M/M Paris, et al
160 pp
175 x 260 mm
4-color print
Korean w / select texts in English
VOICES presents the events that took place at the IAS in 2006, including ten talks, five archive presentations, four sound programs and the artist pages from the three issues in the journal, BOL.


IAS Talk
Choi Jeong-hwa
16 Beaver
Stories Unfolding on the Walls 1
Stories Unfolding on the Walls 2
Simon Starling
‘Could go with others’ Art and Public by the designer’s view
ping pong N-S-E-W

5 pm
Photo Archives as Historic Records _ Lee Kyung-min
Joint, Extend, and Transform, No matter Loss and Lack _ Choi Binna, Yang Hye-gue
The Logbook of a Critic _ Lee Yung-joon
See into Your Village before the Universe _ Chon Sung-bo
Astonishing stories _ Alexis Valliant

Sound & Screening
Let it be _ Kim Young-eun
Just-in-Time _ Dexter Sinister
Media+Sound _ Kim Jae-kwon, Ryu Han-kil, Park Seung-jun, Joe Foster, Jin Sang-tae,
Choi Joon-yong, Hong Chul-ki
An Actual Poem )_ Choi Eun-ji

Journal BOL
Journal BOL_02 The Middle East and ‘Us’
Journal BOL_03 The Call of History
Journal BOL_04 The Justice

IAS Membership
Implying 'that which one wishes to see' or 'that which one has to see,' the journal BOL is published in Korean and English, discussing visual culture from a humanities perspective. It is a forum to create an arts network to respond collectively to the issues that are pressing cross-culturally.
Insa Art Space's publishing activities, carried out in tandem with its other operations, circulate and expand, both on-line and off-line, the IAS Archive, productions, and the documentation of the IAS Workshops in both Korean and English, thereby building a historical memory and creating horizontal international networks.