Do Ho Suh: Nidana

Do Ho Suh: Nidana Do Ho Suh: Nidana Do Ho Suh: Nidana

    Do Ho Suh: Cause and Effect

    Exhibition catalog

The title refers to the Buddhist concept of a chain of causation, but in its Korean form, it also means human relations. Both meanings are relevant to the book’s subject. With a massive amount of pictures and no words, this publication documents the development of Cause and Effect, Suh Do Ho’s large-scale installation commissioned by the Hite Foundation. True to the work’s spirit, the book ends with a series of portraits introducing nearly all the people involved in the project. The colored page edges create a gradation on the side of the book, reflecting the idea of progression as well as the color effect of the original installation.

  • Design assistant:
  • Kim Kyoungtae

Do Ho Suh: Nidana Do Ho Suh: Nidana

Do Ho Suh: Nidana