윤고딕 서체가 쓰인 작품

professionalism ACCT_You-Mi_program_cover ACCT_You-Mi_poster-2 Suite Nº2: Poster Navigation ID: Poster Everything by My Side: Poster These Are the People in Your Neighborhood: Leaflet These Are the People in Your Neighborhood Three Questions on Death: Leaflet 100% Gwangju: Leaflet 100% Gwangju: Poster Le Nouveau Monde amoureux: Leaflet Le Nouveau Monde amoureux: Poster Ilmin Visual Culture 7, front cover Life_A_Users_Manual_s Countdown: Catalog Eric Perriard Works in the Open Air: catalog BCGKMRY Mass Studies, identity The Power of Color: Book Twist Space, leaflet Platform Seoul 2008: catalog Platform Seoul 2008: Guidebook Platform Seoul 2008: Newsletter Platform Seoul 2008: Poster APAP 2007: catalog Tongue, Liberated!: catalog APAP_2007_poster_1_RGB APAP_2007_poster_2_RGB The Homo Species: catalog Insa Art Space: Identity Gwangju Biennale 2006: catalog